Introduction to Typetura

Intrinsic typography for your website

Typetura is an intrinsic typography technology that makes breakpoints obsolete. It enables you to design with more flexibility, while dramatically reducing code.

Typetura is different from other typesetting methods. Instead of creating a ruleset for every new space where type exists in your layout, Typetura measures and understands those different spaces, and ensures your type adapts perfectly every time. This reduces your code by up to 90%, saving you time designing and developing. For example, if your website is using Typetura, your hero, article links, and trending articles, will use a single headline style that adapts to each of these areas in your layout.


Responsive to viewport

Fluidly responsive


Responsive to elements

🚫 ¹

🚫 ¹

Authoring in CSS


Interpolation easing




Adjust variable fonts

*️⃣ ²


Works with any unit



Respects browser font size adjustment (for accessibility)

*️⃣ ³

⚠️ ⁴

Requires JS

Yes ⁵




¹ This will be supported with the introduction of element queries and corresponding units.

² Textblock supports weight variations.

³ Textblock supports this, FlowType does not.

Shifts can occur that misalign the interpolation with breakpoints.

This JS is similar to a CSS feature polyfill. Just 2.82 KB before gzip and 1.47 KB after gzip for version 2.0.0.

Typography is a huge part of your projects. It changes for every device and layout you design, creating lots of extra work that takes away from your time art directing posts, designing landing pages, and creating design systems. Our typographic packages provide simple text components that adapt to your project needs, so you can turn jobs around quickly and efficiently.

Getting startedTypetura packagesCreating with TypeturaSupport and services

Last updated